Shortly after you arrive in a new country in which you will reside the vision of tourist with which you came wears off. It’s like you change lenses or formula to adapt your vision. You capture fewer photos than at the beginning, start using routes that already seem common, memorizing street names and addresses, you can even help other tourists indicating interesting sites.
The moment remembers it to you, it clarifies it. You are a foreigner. You get used to hearing the new language … And you understand that you will be at least some time in this place, that the floor you are standing is your new home. That time is strange. Particular. It is as if with this new discovery a thousand questions will reach to your head. The first: “I did not know it would be like this.” And how could I know? New sensations start rainingbegin to get real nostalgia, important memories. Starts the need to treasure every one of those memories and experiences.
In seeking to bring the land and with it your tastes and habits you want to fill your table of Venezuela. You want to reinstate to your daily diet those dishes that, if ever were ordinary, now are absolutely extraordinary. You run to the supermarket and you find another logical reality but again you had not thought of: the pantry in your country is not necessarily the same as the country where you live now.
Life at the end is like an arepa. You stuff it with what you want. It’s your choice to fill it with interesting, spicy, just basic flavours or leave empty . It is always your choice. When you discover that, the option becomes commitment. Therein lies the challenge. You can not discover something wonderful and not share it.
Here starts an interesting task, a challenge: remember, investigate, adapt recipes, fill your table with Venezuela, nurture of Venezuela through its flavors and aromas. Document yourself and document so that you can MIGRATE WITHOUT LOSING THE SEASONING ON THE ROAD.