
The pepper is one of those very important fruits for nutrition and health, as they are rich in lycopene, which is an important antioxidant that has the ability to take care of the heart, control blood pressure and protect vision. It is also rich in vitamin A, B and C, which are basic to health. This recipe involves placing the pepper directly in a rotisserie burner, and later removing the burned skin, which gives it a rich flavor and is excellent to accompany any entrée.


bell-pepper 8 large Red Bell Peppers
olive-oil Olive Oil


Container with lid


  1. Brush the peppers with olive oil evenly.

  2. Place them one by one directly on the stove over high heat.

  3. Turn it until the whole skin is burned.

  4. Remove from heat and place in a covered container or sealed bag and let stand.

  5. With the help of a knife, remove burned skin.

  6. Cut one end, remove the seeds and serve as a garnish.